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Watch a video from my house concert!!

On 21st May, there was a very special House Concert in Teradéliome to celebrate my 20 years in music and the year of my fifty years... a private show with friends and aficionados... Here's a movie from the show, which lasted 2 hours 30, with 22 songs from my first album to "Za quoi Za sert tout Za...?" with anecdotes, brilliant audience's participation and a lot of fun... After that, we had a great BBQ evening!! Cheers.

The setlist : Tous ces petits mots..., Mon Thé au Sahara, Slowburnt, Dans l'océan d'un instant, L'hiver Bleu, Baiser sous la pluie, J'ai l'esprit enneigé..., Ainsi va le monde, Les amours de pacotille, cS, lT, The Sleepwalker, Cross the day, BlacKolZa medley ( Il y eut un temps, Atomic, Carry on, Peut-être demain...), The last deal, Je tire ma révérence, Les feux de rampe with 2 encores : Say it's alright Joe (Genesis) and Lili. A special encore : the audience asked for the cS song once again, on this one, everyone sang and some played percussions (bells, maracas, tambourin...)

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