Hi everyone... I come back to you with a brand new album called "Never Do" (they do what they are told to do so NEVER DO!)... This one is...
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Sometimes it snows in April...
This reminds me about my first strings recording session in London... April 2005...One day before, it had snowed in London.... ZanaChroniKa
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BOOM, the LeeTeraLove's EP, a side-project...
So here the news, at the end of this year, the release of Boom, did with Lee Van Laer and John Marcell aka Johnny Love. It is a four...
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My 2 special Joni Mitchell's covers...
Hello everyone here. I'm very pleased to share with you my 2 very personal covers of Joni Mitchell, done with my friend Daniel Collet on...
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Visitation with George Michael
Hi everybody here! This springtime comes with a new video... a special and personal reprise of George Michael's "Cowboys & Angels" with...
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A little piece of November... blue... blue as young soldiers... blue as bruises... blue as your baby blue... blue as a bluesy cool...
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Flamme Jumelle
One of the most spiritual Love songs I wrote... It's about the meeting of your twin flame and how it changes your life in an incredible...
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As a Last Refrain in Youtube
A new version of the track, using an auto-tune fx... This song is available in its original version here : https://teradelie.bandcamp.com...
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The Queen of Anesthesia is here! Long live the Queen...
A last piece of music is now available on bandcamp, it's an EP with 4 original tracks and a remix done between 2017 and 2019. Enjoy!
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ZaPoP is out! Ready to purchase, go!
This is my Pop Motown album... Enjoy! These are my versions, my personal working on the demo versions... Here is the link on bandcamp to...
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